
Ignite Curiosity and Deepen Learning in Your Physics Classroom

From kinematics to optics, Vernier sensors and software help your students connect the dots between the classroom and the real world. Our physics products enable student and educator success so that you can spend less time troubleshooting and more time teaching your students about the scientific principles of the world around them. 


Vernier Physics Solutions

Connect the Dots Between the Classroom and the Real World with Our Intuitive Physics Solutions

Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct® Sensor Carts

Explore kinematics, force, and acceleration with this completely wireless system

The Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct Sensor Carts includes essential laboratory equipment for  investigating motion and forces. Using our Go Direct Sensor Cart, students can explore position, velocity, acceleration, and force directly on their device using Bluetooth® wireless technology—no wires or additional equipment required. Each cart features built-in sensors to simplify experiment setup and allow experiments to be conducted on or off the track (1.2 m or 2.2 m length).

1.2 m Track DTS-GDX $636

2.2 m Track DTS-GDX-LONG $748

Vernier Dynamics Cart and Track System with Go Direct Sensor Carts


  • Position resolution: 0.25 mm, reported by default at 1 mm steps
  • Force range: ±50 N
  • Accelerometer range: ±160 m/s2
  • Track length: 1.2 m or 2.2 m

Introduce Your Students to Newton's Second Law with a Free Experiment

Want a preview of one of our favorite physics experiments? In this guided inquiry experiment your students will investigate how acceleration is affected by applied force and by system mass. 

Go Direct Force and Acceleration Sensor

Measure pushes and pulls in the classroom or outdoors

The Go Direct Force and Acceleration Sensor includes a force sensor, 3-axis accelerometer, and 3-axis gyroscope. Take it on a roller coaster, swing, or slide. Suspend one or two Go Direct Force and Acceleration Sensors from a ring stand and use the built-in accelerometer and force channels to create a 3-D vector force experiment, or attach a string to the hook and whirl it in a horizontal or vertical circle. In wireless mode, your imagination is the only limiting factor!

GDX-FOR $119

Vernier Go Direct Force and Acceleration Sensor

Hands-on learning opportunities include

  • Investigate Newton’s third law by connecting the hooks of two force sensors with a rubber band.
  • Use the force sensor to pull an object across a surface to measure frictional forces.
  • Attach the force sensor to the Go Direct Centripetal Force
    Apparatus to measure centripetal force and acceleration simultaneously.
  • Place sensors on Dynamics Carts to investigate forces and accelerations in collisions.

Go Direct Motion Detector

Measure the position, velocity, and acceleration of moving objects

The Go Direct Motion Detector accurately tracks objects as close as 15 cm and as far away as 3.5 m. The compact design and wireless capability of this motion detector eliminate the concern of a dangling cable getting in the way.

GDX-MD $129

Vernier Go Direct Motion Detector

Hands-on learning opportunities include

  • Study position, velocity, and acceleration of carts when mounted on a track.
  • Match position or velocity graphs created in the Graphical Analysis® app.
  • Analyze the effects of air resistance on falling coffee filters.
  • Investigate simple harmonic motion by monitoring a mass on a spring.

Go Direct Voltage Probe

Investigate both AC/DC circuits and electromagnetism 

The Go Direct Voltage Probe combines a wide input voltage range and high precision, making it an excellent choice for lab investigations of both AC/DC circuits and electromagnetism. Use this differential probe to measure the voltage in simple circuits, or to study basic principles of electrochemical cells. 

With a range of ±20 V, this system is ideal for use in “battery and bulb” circuits. Go Direct Voltage is capable of kHz sampling and mV resolution, so you can also use it to capture the electromagnetic field induced in a coil by a moving magnet.


Vernier Go Direct Voltage Probe

Hands-on learning opportunities include

  • Measure potential difference at various places in series and parallel circuits.
  • Investigate Ohm’s law in simple circuits.
  • Measure the voltage across a capacitor in RC and RLC circuits.
  • Explore Faraday’s law and induced EMFs in a coil of wire.

Go Direct Current Probe

Easily measure the electric currents in circuits 

Simplify your experimental setup with the Go Direct Current Probe. It connects via Bluetooth® wireless technology or wired via USB to your device. The wireless connection eliminates additional cables that can clutter the lab bench.

Having two ranges allows use for larger currents (±1 A) and smaller currents (±0.1 A), allowing for use with batteries and bulbs or for small EMF currents due to changing magnetic fields. Attached alligator clip wires allow for easy insertion into circuits.


Vernier Go Direct Current Probe

Hands-on learning opportunities include

  • Capture small currents like those produced by a magnet falling through a coil.
  • Use in combination with the Go Direct Voltage Probe to investigate Ohm’s law or series and parallel circuits.
  • Explore RC and RLC circuits.

E-Books to Support Physics Learning

Sensor Cart Physics E-book Cover

Sensor Cart Physics E-book

Sensor Cart Physics features 23 guided-inquiry investigations. It provides a stimulating structure to explore introductory through AP-level concepts in kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, forces, and conservation of energy and momentum. The investigations make exclusive use of the Vernier Go Direct Sensor Cart.


Physics with Vernier Lab Book Cover

Physics with Vernier E-book

Physics with Vernier has 35 experiments in mechanics, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism. This book has a wide variety of experiments for Motion Detectors, Force Sensors, Light Sensors, Magnetic Field Sensors, Microphones, Current & Voltage Probes, Photogates, Temperature Probes, and Accelerometers.

PWV-E $45

We are scientists, educators, and your team.

As you implement data-collection technology into your teaching, we’re here to support you! Looking to learn more about our physics products or have questions about ordering? Reach out to our team. As a former physics educator, Fran Poodry is here to answer your questions.

Fran Poodry, Director of Physics

Fran Poodry
Director of Physics

"I really appreciated that Vernier is very supportive of schools. Your customer service is excellent, and we are very happy to use Vernier products in our labs."

Joy Nguyen
California State University, Monterey Bay